Best lung exercise machines to improve your respiratory health

Best lung exercise machines to improve your respiratory health

Whether you’re an athlete looking to build endurance or someone gasping for breath after climbing stairs, we’ve got your back (and lungs)! Good lung health is a non-negotiable part of a fulfilling life. But if you’re often left behind by environmental or health concerns, it’s important that you know how to take care of your … Read more

These seven healthy lifestyle factors help prevent depression, a new study suggests

These seven healthy lifestyle factors help prevent depression, a new study suggests

Open this photo in gallery: Previous research has found that an unhealthy lifestyle can affect depression risk by increasing inflammation.fizkes/iStockPhoto/Getty Images There is growing interest in how lifestyle factors, traditionally linked to physical health, may also be related to mental health. Eating a healthy diet, being physically active, getting adequate sleep and not smoking, for … Read more

Do Cheerios Really Help Lower Cholesterol? Here’s What Heart Health Experts Say

Do Cheerios Really Help Lower Cholesterol?  Here's What Heart Health Experts Say

Cheerios hold a special place in our hearts literally and figuratively. First introduced in 1941, Cheerios has been a staple breakfast cereal for over 80 years. This cereal has stood the test of time, feeding multiple generations of grandparents, parents and toddlers. But for the 25 million American adults living with high cholesterol, according to … Read more