Can’t afford therapy? These 4 Things Will Boost Your Mental Health Right Now

When living with symptoms of depression or anxiety, seeking therapy can help you work through them and establish a treatment plan. But what should you do if you can’t afford it? Even with sliding scale payments, therapy is expensive. Online therapy services like Better Help and Speech space make it more affordable, at about $60 to $90 per session. However, that is still not in the budget for many people.

Therapy will always be the gold standard for mental health treatment. Although circumstances may make it temporarily impossible. These four strategies improve your mental health without spending a fortune.

Also see how natural treat depression and anxiety and ways you can give yourself a happy boost every day

1. Use mental health apps to track daily progress

Mental health apps offer resources to people who might not otherwise be able to get them. Although they are not a substitute for therapy and cannot diagnose conditions, mental health apps like Moodfit and Sanvello are great tools to use on your mental wellness journey. The best mental health programs will help you relieve stress and anxiety and teach you how to manage symptoms in the future.

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There is a lot of variety in what these programs offer and the features built in. Many offer an excellent catalog of educational resources to help you learn about conditions and adapt strategies to manage them every day.

Mental health apps can also be a reminder to check in on yourself. Most send push notifications throughout the day, which can be used as an indicator to stop and assess how you’re feeling.

Young woman resting in bed, scrolling through her phone.

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2. Implement cognitive behavioral therapy strategies on your own

Cognitive behavioral therapy is usually used treat depression, anxiety and addiction. CBT strategies and tools are meant to be taken outside of therapy sessions and used in everyday life.

It’s called self-directed therapy. Again, it’s not a substitute for traditional therapy with a professional, but it can supplement your mental health efforts when you don’t have access to talk therapy. This self-help strategy is best reserved for those with moderate symptoms that do not affect daily tasks.

A systematic review of 33 studies found that self-help treatments can reduce anxiety and depression. Self-directed therapy results were “moderate,” according to the review. So people didn’t feel 100% better, but they reported feeling less anxious or depressed. If you are interested in self-directed therapy strategies to improve your mental well-being, we recommend checking out the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies book list. The books in the list received a “seal of merit”.

Common self-directed therapy techniques:

  • Newspaper: Writing down your thoughts and feelings and reflecting on them can help you identify negative thought and behavior patterns. Once you are aware, you can take meaningful steps to make changes.
  • Guided courses: With self-directed therapy, you have to start somewhere. Guided courses can help you learn methods and tactics for day-to-day management. You can consult the National Alliance on Mental Illness for its mental health education directory.
  • Mental health apps: Many mental health programs use cognitive behavioral therapy techniques reduce anxiety and help manage symptoms.

Three family members hugging in front of a yellow wall

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3. Stay connected to others

It’s important to connect with other people, especially those who are going through similar things. Studies show that connecting to others can provide a sense of meaning and purpose and reduce loneliness. Group therapy or support groups are typically led by a mental health professional or group leader and can be low-cost or free. Whether it’s friends, family or strangers, sharing your feelings and experiences is essential.

You can also use the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website to find community resources near you.

Connections with people aren’t the only things that can help improve your mental health. Pets and animals can reduce stress and anxiety levels. Take some intentional time to hang out with your pet — play with your dog, hug your cat. If you don’t have a pet, you can volunteer at a local animal shelter or humane society. Feeding or petting animals is also an option.

4. Practice mindfulness and meditation

Meditation has a history that stretches back thousands of years, but it has become an extremely popular stress relief practice in the last few years. Mindfulness helps you become more attuned to what you’re feeling and thinking, which helps you manage your thoughts and emotions more effectively, instead of becoming overwhelmed by them. Mindfulness uses techniques such as meditation and breath work to improve your mental health.

Mindfulness can help you manage symptoms of anxiety and other mental disorders by helping you understand and deal with what you are feeling. Studies show that meditation can help reduce stress, ease symptoms of depression or anxiety, and help you sleep. The focus is on mind and body integration, which can help you improve your mental well-being.

You can also use meditation programs to reduce stress and help maintain your alertness mode. These free or inexpensive programs are great for beginners.

Read more: Headspace Review: Get Tools for Mindfulness, Meditation and More for Just $5 a Month

Other practical tips for improving your mental health without therapy

  • Exercise: There are several mental health benefits associated with exercise, such as relieving anxiety or improving your mood. Exercise can also boost your confidence and release endorphins. You don’t have to jump straight into a heavy load; any exercise can help.
  • Go outside and soak up the sun: Sunlight increases serotonin in the brain, which can improve your mood. When you don’t get enough sun, your serotonin levels drop, leading to seasonal affective disorder.
  • Prioritize your sleep: Poor sleep is linked to a greater risk of anxiety or depression, low mood and higher stress levels. Prioritize your sleep following your bedtime routine — get ready for bed by doing something relaxing, aim for the same bedtime every night and turn off your screens.
  • Take a step back from social media: Constant use of social media can increase symptoms of anxiety and depression. A digital detox may be warranted if you compare yourself to others online or notice a decline in your mental health. Start by limiting your time social media. Then, try to fill that time with things you enjoy or people you like to spend time with.

A woman doing yoga in her living room.

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When should I see a therapist?

Self-directed therapy and wellness tactics are extremely useful, but they are not the be-all and end-all in mental health. Face time with a licensed therapist is essential for those with severe conditions and symptoms.

The first thing you should do is check your insurance. Employer-provided insurance and Medicaid may cover exams, psychotherapy, and counseling. Your insurance coverage will depend on your state and your health plan, but many plans include mental health coverage for online therapists.

Read more: How to Find the Best Therapist Near You

Your finances shouldn’t stop you from getting the help you need. It may take some research on therapists and programs, but there are inexpensive options.

  • Sliding scale payments: Some therapists offer sliding fees — you pay what you can afford. The cost will be based on your income. Not all therapists offer this, but many do.
  • Low cost or free services: Some therapists offer low-cost or free counseling for individual and group sessions. If you live near a college or university, the graduate department may offer free or discounted therapy sessions.
  • Community health centers: Community mental health centers help those in surrounding areas.
  • Local and online support groups: Local organizations and volunteers in many areas offer support groups for things like grief and addiction. Use Mental Health America’s list of support groups to find one that best fits your needs. You can participate in a peer-led support group through the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

More for your mental health

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